...Once in awhile, right in the middle of every day life, Love gives us a fairy tale...

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Trail of Lights in Austin

Wow- if ever you make it somewhere for Christmas lights, this is where it needs to be! The Trail of Lights at Zilker Park in Austin, TX. It's a full mile of walking through this wonderland of lights!! It was amazing. I love the temple lights and how full they are, and in there own celestial way they're the greatest! But the amount of lights and designs put into this extravagant display, it was jaw dropping! We went with a few couples and had the best time! They have little stands like at the fair, with hot chocolate, coffee, cakes, kettle corn, tamales, funnel cakes...you name it! Then at the very end, there is a big opening with a tree thats built upwards with lights about 3 stories high. Everyone stands under looking up towards the center point, spinning till they fall over! It was so much fun to go to, and I can't wait till next year...hopefully! But I know I will experience it again!


So I really don't know what possessed me to do this, I think it was just time. The thought came into my head and without thinking, the next day we went to the salon and off it came! The pictures don't do it justice, but you get the gist of it. Its a HUGE difference on my neck, and face for that matter. My hair was the longest it has ever been, and it's been pretty long! But I must say its quite a nice difference. Collin Loves it! I know that chunk of hair might not look like much, but that was 14 inches BEFORE she continued to chop and shape!! The grand total- 17 INCHES!!! Now, thats a lot of hair right there. The women at the Salon could not believe what I was doing with my long beautiful locks- but they loved the outcome! I donated the first 14 inches to Locks of Love, how could I not? Someone some where will be very happy soon enough :o)

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Game Night

Ok, So I know this can be seen as real nerdy...but Collin and I are huge Gamers! Haha. Not video games though-yuck! Mainly card games, we play all the time. We love getting together for dinner and games or dessert or just something. We have couples over quite often and will play until the wee hours of the morning! It's great for your day job I tell ya. We have three games we play pretty regularly: Scum, Peanuts, and Zilch! They are all so much fun- and we bring it!

Light Bar in Austin, TX

Yup- thats my Rock Star! Austin, Texas. We moved there specifically for the music scene, cause after all- it is the live music capitol of the world! The Light Bar is one of many clubs down town on Sixth St. where it all happens. The Collin Freestone Band managed to land a Friday night gig for every other week to help captivate their crowd. His band is really sounding good, and music is transforming! Its so amazing when I sit back and look at how far he's come and what he has accomplished! He's still working at creating and recording to finish his album. You should check out his music at www.myspace.com/collinfreestone. Its really something else!

Lady Aces

I finally decided it was time to get back into sports! I found a women's Fast Pitch league in Austin, Texas that just happened to have spot left. It was such a blast! I was back to catching and playing outfield, and slugging away. And best of all- I only hurt myself ONCE!! Haha. For those of you who know me, I some how always manage to get hurt??? Collin, of course was my biggest fan. Our team was one of eight in the city of Austin. The Lady Aces went undefeated, and on to take the city championship!! I can't tell you how good it felt!!

Freestone Wedding

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

First time Blogger

Here we are! Since Collin and I got married I've been told that I must start a blog- you're married, it's what you do. So, here I am. I must admit I'm a little nervous- scrap booking is something I know I can do, but this is digital journaling! At least I only have my own big shoes to fill. :0)