...Once in awhile, right in the middle of every day life, Love gives us a fairy tale...

Friday, April 25, 2008

ITS A GIRL!!!! :O)

We are so excited to have her!! She's just gonna melt Collins little heart! And wow- were we thrown for a loop... we were so sure that it was a boy! We had the name picked out and everything...then surprise surprise- ITS A GIRL!! We couldn't be happier! But now we are up in the air as to the name...or should I say "trying to agree." She will be the only girl around so many boys?!? Between all the cousins and in laws in mine and Collin's family, there are 10- all pregnant! And whats creepier, we are all due within like 3 months! from beginning to end, so almost bi-weekly! They are ALL HAVING BOYS!!! Haha- who knows, maybe she'll get spoiled... But I know she'll be more then well rounded and tolerant! So, I've actually known for about a month or so now but I really wanted to be able to put the Ultrasound pictures up cause I thought they were so cute!! And I finally got them all scanned...so here they are!

So this was just a length shot so that we could see how she was laying from head to foot and how long she is!

This is her showing how womanly she is! Haha! Its her two legs stretched out and the other is the view from the feet towards the head- there's nothing sticking up, she's definitely a girl!!

This is just a closer up facial picture. You can distinctly her little eyes, nose, lips and brain!!

Our little peanut is a strong one! Look at her, "Hey Mom! Look what I can do!?!" Haha When we saw that in the ultrasound, I about died! She's totally flexing! It was so cute- she's got a little personality already!!


Natalie said...

That's so exciting Jen! I'm so happy for you guys. Congrats!

ashley b said...

How cute! I love ultrasound pictures! It will be so fun having a little girl around to keep all these boys in line! ha ha Well I think that me and my mom and maybe Alisha's mom were going to have a shower for her. I haven't really figured a date or anything yet since I just got done with Monica's. I will have to get a move on it though! I definitely want to do it before I'm ready to pop! I will let you guys know in case you'll be up here sometime this summer! Take care!

The Gotzingers said...

How exciting!! You're gunna be an awesome mommy!! Im so excited for you guys!! :o)

Unknown said...

Congrats!!! I have wanted a girl for so long-- your lucky! Now you can dress her up all cute and do cute things to her hair!

How are you feeling? Are you still having contractions?

Jenny Johnson said...

Congratulations Jen!! That is so awesome! You are going to be the BEST mom!!

Tatiana said...

Oh Jen that is so exciting!!! You are going to be such a good mommy...and a hot mommy!! Aren't ultrasounds just the most amazing things ever invented! I love it! Are you still taking it easy??

ashley b said...

hey jen! my phone got demollished so I lost you guys' numbers! If you don't mind emailing or texting them to me...my email is ashleyb28@hotmail.com Thanks!

ashley b said...

Jen! Your last comment has left me curious! You must fill me in pronto!

Unknown said...

Hi Jen!!

It's Lindsay & David! I happened across your blog today and couldnt help but say hello!! Congratulations on your little girl!! Babies are THE BEST. Logan is almost 18 months old, the time goes by so fast! Call us if you come back to town, we would love to catch up! (lifeofthebennetts.blogspot.com)


Lindsay, David, & Logan