...Once in awhile, right in the middle of every day life, Love gives us a fairy tale...

Saturday, June 28, 2008

7 Month Update and Sisterly Love!!

I know my sister looks like she's about to pounce on me! Lol. But there's my belly at exactly 29 weeks!! This was our last visit the end of May to AZ- and man did the trip ever bring on the contractions!! I spent a lot of time laying down-ugh! AND we got to see Deborah, who lives in Iowa and I haven't seen in over a year and a half!!! It was so much fun, minus our oldest sister- we miss you Jolene!!! It was such a blast just spending girl time together! Love you all, can't wait till next time!!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008


This was from early April I think at one of the family reunion's for Collin's side of the fam somewhere. (There are so many, and so many cousins and such- its hard to keep track?!?) But it's very rare that we are ALL together! We were at Christmas, but there was such chaos we never got a picture! So... here we are! And soon to be one more :0) Its so weird. It'll be the FIRST grand baby for them, and I'll be #19 for my parents! Haha. There are 12 - and the pyramid was my idea, cute huh? It took FOREVER!! Anyhow, in order from bottom left to right- The Freestone's!! Jennie, Megan, Tera, Jenn, Dallyn, Rick, Carl, Collin, Sion, Bonny, Hillary, Jaron, Ammon, Cammilla, Nathan, Sophie.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Back to Austin :o)

Collin got this gig playing for a corporate event that AMD was putting on for their CEO's. Which basically paid the way for us both to go back and have a weeks long visit! (I seriously love being married to a musician- I get to come along on all these awesome rides in life! It has taken us everywhere and probably will only continue to!) It was so much fun to see everyone again, and ah- the weather! It was beautiful! It is just such a green place! Not like the rest of Texas, Austin Rocks! Maybe we'll move back... Someday. Anyhow, here are a few high lights from the trip and from the show!

Here's the cake from a little baby shower we had at my old work, with friends! It was so much fun just to see everyone again! We had a lot of fun, just visiting and eating :o) And the cake was DANG good too!

Here is the 'ol gang! Or at least the ones we could scrounge up. We went out to dinner at Serrano's yum! And ended at someone's house listening to Collin give a mini concert. It was an old time sake we had...till the WEE hours of the mornin! Needless to say, Momma was tired!

THE GIG: This was so awesome! It was at the same place where the host and film the show Austin City Limits! So the first few has that stage as the background...the rest was where the band (my hubby) and the PART

AY was at!! Basically it was all of us wives keepin it real- Carolina, Lori, Me and Michaelyne. Those girls KNOW how to get down, and drunk! lol Just look at the photos, those weren't even from the end! It was so awesome too, to hear and see the old band playing together again! Good thing Nate and Justin don't have much of a life other than us... ;)

Thursday, June 12, 2008

First concert- RUSH!!!

Thats right- I had to wait until I was 23 to go to my first REAL concert! I have been to countless of Collins, but this was a whole new ball game! Collins manager got us free tickets so we couldn't pass it up! I know they are a totally classic band but I wasn't really sure who they even were! But I willingly went...and it was awesome! We had such amazing seats that were so close and so loud!! Man, the baby was a little drummer herself. Kickin and punchin, doing somersaults- you name it! She's gonna be a little rocker because of all the music she's been around- just like her daddy! Anyhow, these are some of the most amazing musicians I've heard! I may not have known all the songs, but it was so worth it to watch and hear them play like that! We had so much fun- I could definitely do it again! ;o)

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Recap of April, cause I'm that cool!

Well, so many things have happened I dont even know where to start really. So we'll go from furthest away to the closest.

Collins Show at Gallo's

Collin started the beginning of April playing every Monday night at Gallo's. Its an Italian Pizzeria and Deli- so good! He went and played at an Open Mic Night they had, and they loved him! So the rest became history. He has played there consecutively and brought quite a large crowd every time, and it pays good too :o) Here are just a few pictures from the shows.

I got to go to California for my oldest niece, Rebekah's Pageant. Most of my family was able to go and it was so fun to see all of Jolene's family as well. It has been almost a year I think since we've seen them! She did such a good job! They were judged on Academics, Participation/Community Involvement, Essay and Speech, Talent, Evening Gown/Walk, and Interview. Of all the Contestants she took 2nd Princess!! She looked so beautiful and scored high on all things, obviously! I feel so proud to call her my niece! ;) So here are a few family photos and pictures of her beautifulness and crown!


Just a random photo of the two of us so you know we BOTH still exist!


Ya don't ask, we were driving and found both these trees within a few miles of each other! It was so random, but awesome- there were TONS!!!


Well, it came and went just like any other day. Just another year older- yahoo! It just wasn't a birthday day ya know?? Oh well. Meg made me a yummy cake that didnt "look" the best, and we just ate dinner together. But it was fun!